Winter Blues — a Poem

An artfully altered photo of a Blue Jay feather.
“Blue” — C.Birde, 12/22

Oh, falling sky – pieces of blue

tipped black & white & falling

Crying bright reply to peanuts

clacking against dark shingles

& rattling aluminum gutters,

white painted.

Jay-filled sky in blue shadows

falling toward my outstretched

hand, emptied now, but hope-


— C.Birde, 12/22

Caged — A Dream

An artfully altered photo of an antique birdcage.
“Cage” — C.Birde, 12/22


     unexpected, they arrive…

Four men – stocky & absurd,

frowning in black overcoats

& bowler hats.

Crowding into the bathroom.

Bearing, between them,

a large birdcage –

ornate wire, curled & domed.

     On one perch,

     a red-gold parrot;

     on its twin,

     a second parrot’s skeleton;

     & on the cage’s floor,

     a lovebird contained,


     in a cube of wire mesh.

We done did the best we could.”


     shuffling, the men depart as,

tumbling from its perch,

the parrot falls,

flashing red-over-gold…

The lovebird remains…


trapped —

     caged within

     a cage.

— C.Birde, 12/22